Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Build it and they will come

Building Emails Lists that Product Profits on Demand...
How to became a Top Super Affiliate for Big Ticket Launches (this is exactly how I became a Top 20 Super Affiliate for Butterfly Marketing - outselling many well known marketers with list sizes of 10x, 20x, 50x, even 100x my size... it's not as hard as you may think!)
How to build your list, interact with your list, and promote to your list (if you start out right, the rest is easy)
Exactly how to promote big launches - follow the exact methods I used to promote Butterfly Marketing - this is how I make 10 to 20x as much as everyone else in the industry...
How to leverage any "small success" and turn it into a massive one (you can make $15 per subscriber instead of just $1)
What is an "optimized" opt-in list and how to build one so that it makes money over and over and over again...
How to keep "freebie seekers" away and attract the highest quality prospects to your list (this is fastest way to stop wasting time and start making money...)
The one question you MUST ask yourself BEFORE engaging in ANY "list building activity" (ignore this at your own risk!)
How to average $5 and up to $13 per subscriber per month when the industry average is a measly 50 cents to $1 (find out why the 'gurus' have it call wrong)
Ezine Advertising - how to pick the best ezines that will attract subscribers to your list like bees to honey
Safe Lists - the secret technique I use to actually make them work (you'll laugh at all the stupid things everyone else does because you're "in the know")
Giveaways - how to promote giveaways to get the best quality subscribers while everyone else gets all the junky ones and how to make money while everyone else struggles to figure things out...